A non-stop giggle from start to finish, Stephen Herek's
second film after Critters overhauls the seriousness
of Time travel movies, updating the Doctor Who concept to enchant
anew. Everybody concerned looks like they had a ball making Bill
and Ted, you can often catch the actors grinning unguardedly in
the background, and this happy-go-Iucky sense of fun transfers
itself well through the fourth wall. It's a daft, thoroughly stupid
send-up of Valley-speaking dudes, yet engaging to the max. More
concerned with taping 'a most triumphant video' to launch their
hard rock band, The Wyld Stallyns, Bill and Ted are in serious
danger of flunking their history exams 'most heinously'. That
would mean Ted being sent to military school, very 'bogus', and
splitting the 'bodacious' dudes will have an awesome effect on
the history of the world. For the Stallyns' music is destined
to initiate universal peace and harmony. Enter a 'solidly dressed'
emissary from the concerned Future, with the answer to their problem
a time-travelling phone booth which whisks them through the circuits
of history to gather their knowledge first hand. With the 'savoury'
words 'Excuse me, but you can you point us in the direction
of any historical personages of note in this area', they
abduct and cram Napoleon, Joan of Arc, Billy the Kid, Genghis
Kahn, Mozart, Freud, Socrates and Abraham Lincoln into the bionic
booth. Stopping briefly in prehistoric times to repair the crowded
kiosk, they land on stage to give 'a most excellent' A+ lecture
saving the future world into the bargain.
