The Idiot Box; the short lived MTV sketch comedy series written, directed and starring Alex & Tom. It debuted in 1991 and lasted 6 episodes. Produced by the (now defunct) Propaganda Films in L.A. which Alex & Tom both worked for.

There were 6 episodes made of The Idiot Box, followed by a The Best of The Idiot Box special
Episode 1: Intro from trunk of car / Migraine Man / Eddie the Flying Gimp / Battle of the Bands: Wilson Philips and Boo Yaa Tribe / Rock and Roll Accountant / The very finest of tonight's Idiot Box by Votar / Conclusion
Episode 2: God's Mighty Anvil / Damn These Eyes / Eddie the Flying Gimp / Lockjaw / Rain Man II - Electric Boogaloo/ The very finest of tonight's Idiot Box by Votar / Conclusion

Episode 3: Evil Dead Sinead O'Connor / Lockjaw / Eddie the Flying Gimp / Something 2 make U laugh / The Huggins Family/ The very finest of tonight's Idiot Box by Votar / Conclusion

Episode 4: Here Kitty intro / Lockjaw - a mouth full of wisdom and drool / If I had my way with Willard Shreck / Mr Meat / The Huggins Family Final Episode / The very finest of tonight's Idiot Box by Votar / Conclusion
Episode 5: A chimp and a bomb / Battle of the Bands: Boo Yaa Tribe vs. Jerry Garcia / If I had my way with Willard Shreck / Reeevok - It all started with a pump / The Burrowing Bishop - Dig those crazy fugitives, your grace / The very finest of tonight's Idiot Box by Votar / Conclusion

Episode 6: Alex walks across bottom of pool / Sacrifice your daughter to Gwar / If I had my way with Willard Shreck/ A message from Central Bell / The burrowing bishop - well, well, well.... / The very finest of tonight's Idiot Box by Votar / Conclusion

The Best of the Idiot Box: some of the best sketches from the Idiot Box
The Future of Television Announcing
Stan Harding
Rock Accountant
If I had my way
with Willard Shreck
The Burrowing Bishop
Lockjaw intro
The Huggins Family
Tom Stern as Lockjaw
one tough cop that stood on a rusty nail, and never got a tetanus shot....
Lockjaw intro
(Alex & Flea)
Something to make U laugh with Sinead O'Connor and Wisey Wisenstein
Migraine Man
Alex with "Evil Dead" Sinead O'Connor
a chimp and a bomb
God's Mighty Anvil
Eddie the flyging gimp

For more info on The Idiot Box or Freaked you can also visit: